Go Pro – Be a dive professional
Wouldn’t it be great to have a job that you enjoyed so much that you couldn’t believe you got paid to do it. Become a PADI Dive Professional (PADI Go Pro)!

Becoming a PADI Dive Professional (PADI Go Pro) can make this a reality. You can actually have a career doing something you enjoy while providing you with the monetary satisfaction you deserve!
While most people focus on getting a “real job,” there are many employment opportunities that do not fit this mold. Dive retailers and resorts have immediate openings for qualified professionals domestically and around the world. The only difference is your primary office is under water “having fun!” This type of work is not always seen as serious employment, so there is a constant shortage of skilled staff. This creates huge career opportunities.
If you are looking for a career in diving, becoming a Dive Professional is the best choice you can make. Bali Bubbles Dive Center not only trains you to teach others how to dive, but also teaches you what you need to know to become a key player in the industry.
We support you with a job search database, up-to-date training tools available online 24/7, an award winning training and business system, over 20 years in the industry, and so many personalized services, it’s unreal.
Ask for our Dive Master and Instructor possibilities for 2023 / 2024 by contacting our marketing department.